Quotes 78

"Fiction is not Darwinian. Fiction is Creationist. When we make worlds, we become gods. And gods are responsible for the things they create, particularly when they create them in their own image." (Laura Hudson)

Quotes 77

"Many modern artists, it seems to me, have forgotten the value that art has in itself. Much modern art is far too intellectual to be great art. Many modern artists seem not to see the distinction between man and non-man, and it is a part of the lostness of modern man...

Wisdom of Kammbia 3.17: Reading Rules

Do you have reading rules?  Are there guidelines that will make you decide on what you are going to read? I've noticed in the last few years that I have developed a certain pattern to my reading habits. 1) I Will Read From Any Genre: I have never understood folks who...

Marion Hill