Wisdom of Kammbia 3.23: Who Is The Best Novelist? (Elite 8 Round)

by | Apr 15, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 2 comments


We have reached the Elite 8 in the Sixty-Four Novelist March Madness Style Tournament to determine whom readers believe is the best novelist or the most beloved novelist.

Here are the results from The Sweet 16 round in the Cormac McCarthy bracket:

1 seed Cormac McCarthy vs 27 seed Russell Banks (McCarthy beats Banks 80% to 20%)

2 seed Philip Roth vs 26 seed Donna Tartt (Roth beats Tartt 75% to 25%)

3 seed Toni Morrison vs 23 seed John Irving (Irving beats Morrison in an upset 60% to 40%)

4 seed Don DeLillo vs 22 seed Michael Chabon (Chabon beats DeLillo in an upset 60% to 40%)

5 seed Thomas Pynchon vs 21 seed T.C. Boyle (Boyle beats Pynchon in an upset 66% to 34%)

8 seed Richard Ford vs 18 seed Flannery O’Connor (O’Connor beats Ford in an upset 57% to 43%)

9 seed Gabriel Garcia Marquez vs 16 seed Harper Lee (Garcia Marquez beats Lee 67% to 33%)

13 seed Margaret Atwood vs 14 seed Wallace Stegner (Atwood beats Stegner 80% to 20%)

Here are the Elite 8 Match-ups: (Vote for the Author you want to win the match-up)

1 seed Cormac McCarthy vs 23 seed John Irving

2 seed Philip Roth vs 22 seed Michael Chabon

9 seed Gabriel Garcia Marquez vs 21 seed T.C Boyle

13 seed Margaret Atwood vs 18 seed Flannery O’Connor

Vote often and thanks for your participation!


    • kammbia1

      Thanks for your vote, Claire. Cormac McCarthy is an excellent writer.


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