Wisdom of Kammbia 3.18: Resolutions Don’t Work!

by | Mar 2, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 1 comment


I agree with this header.

My 2013 Reading Resolution has changed significantly since I posted it at the beginning of the new year.

My resolution got off to a bad start when I didn’t finish reading The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell  until the middle of January. And if you’ve read my list, I was supposed to read In Sunlight and In Shadow by Mark Helprin for that month.

I did read my February book, The Unspeakable by Tessa Stockton.  However, I got sidetracked when I starting reading the Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison after The Unspeakable. I read one hundred forty pages of Song of Solomon and couldn’t finish it.

Instead of reading In Sunlight and In Shadow, I went to my local library here in San Antonio and bought a copy of Pirate Freedom by Gene Wolfe for a dollar and started reading that for the rest of February and now into March.

Whew…..I can see why resolutions don’t work.   It is so easy to get sidetracked and once you get off that highway you can never get back on.

However, I’m determined to get back on track and have revised my resolution list:

March’s Book-Vale of Laughter by Peter De Vries: This novel was recommended me to by someone on Library Thing.  De Vries was considered one of the funniest American novelists and compared to authors like Evelyn Waugh and Mark Twain. However, all of De Vries’ novels are currently out of print and there’s a push to have his work republished.

April’s Book: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

May’s Book: The Power and The Glory by Graham Greene

2nd May Book: Culture Making by Andy Crouch

June’s Book: Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen

July’s Book: Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker

August’s Book: The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. Wells

September’s Book: Arena by Karen Hancock

October’s Book: The Deep Blue Good-By by John D. MacDonald

November’s Book: River Rising by Athol Dickson

December’s Book: The Little Country by Charles De Lint

I’m determined to stay on course until the end of year. However, I’m done with resolutions after this year.

Has anyone else gotten off track with their resolutions for 2013?

1 Comment

  1. Katharina

    I’m actually doing surprisingly well with my resolutions. I have followed through with my resolution of not buying any new books (since I have so many unread books waiting to be read on my shelves), and I am also quite on track with the number of books I want to read (36 is my goal this year). Maybe it would be easier for you to stick to your resolutions if you just set a goal of reading a certain amount of books a month, but left the decision of what books to read that month open. That way you don’t feel like you have to read a book when you would rather read another book, which can take a lot of the fun away from reading. Just some thoughts 🙂 Feel free to check out my resolutions blog post here.



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