Wisdom of Kammbia 3.17: Reading Rules

by | Feb 14, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 6 comments


Do you have reading rules? 

Are there guidelines that will make you decide on what you are going to read?

I’ve noticed in the last few years that I have developed a certain pattern to my reading habits.

1) I Will Read From Any Genre: I have never understood folks who read from only one or two genres.  I only read Literary Fiction. I only read Mysteries. I only read Christian Fiction and so on.  I thought reading (like most of art) takes you to new places, different cultures, and the imaginative powers of that author’s mind.  The only criteria there should be: is it a good or bad novel.

My other hobby is listening to music.  I listen to good music from any genre.  Whether it’s Earth, Wind, & Fire or Sting or Van Morrison or Tito Puente or Miles Davis or Chris Tomlin or Israel & The New Breed. It is good music or not.  Heck, I just started listening to the Zac Brown Band this week after someone recommended that I should check them out.  Good music.

I have that same mentality when it comes to reading.  My bookshelf has Jorge Amado, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Philip K. Dick, Greg Bear, Paul Auster, Toni Morrison, Mark Helprin, Charles Dickens, John Steinbeck, Athol Dickson, John Grisham, P.D. James, & Stephen King all on the same shelf.

I believe the publishing industry while creating genres has been good for selling books, the downside it causes readers to stay in the neighborhood they are comfortable with and not venture into other neighborhoods.  I thought art is supposed to the ultimate barrier breaker and you can venture into other neighborhoods without fear or backlash.  Hmmmm…

2) I Must Read One Novel a Year Published Before 1950: I started this rule a few years when I read Madame Bovary by Flaubert.  And I have read David Copperfield by Dickens, Grapes of Wrath and The Pearl by Steinbeck, Islandia by Austin Tappan Wright, & Snow Country by Kawabata over the past few years.

Reading novels published prior to 1950 helps me get out of the mood of thinking about the world around me through a contemporary perspective. Also, it takes me into the past and makes me realize that human nature is basically the same.  It reminds of this verse of scripture: “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, See, this is new? It has been already in the ages before us.”  {Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 ESV Bible}

3) I Don’t Read A Novel in Bed.  This is pretty simple.  It will put me to sleep.  I have to read at my desk.  I’ve heard so many people say they read at bedtime.  I don’t think that’s a good way to read.  Your mind and body are in a relaxed state and ready for sleep.  Reading requires concentration and engagement and the bedroom is not the place for those things.

So there are my reading rules.  What are yours?


  1. Aewl

    My only rule is the rule of 100. I subtract my age from 100, then whatever I’m reading if I get to that number of pages and the book has not grabbed my attention, then I discard the book. The older I get, the less time I want to spend on garbage books.

    • kammbia1


      Thanks for your response. Your rule of 100 is interesting.

      I have a question for you: Because of your rule of 100, do you take less chances on books from a different genre than you would normally read?


      • Aewl

        Nope, actually I take more chances.

  2. Katharine

    I do read in bed for about an hour each night. I have my sticky notes & a pencil right by me.

    I have a rule of Saturday mornings that involves get up very early, make coffee, gather blanket & read on sofa for hours and hours.

    Another rule is that when I pick up a book from my tbr pile — something I’ve bought in the past that’s been sitting around for a while — I start reading on page 1. I don’t read the back cover or any of the intro stuff. I like to just jump in and read.

    The rule of 100 is interesting, Aewl. It’s always hard to stop reading a book. I was just looking at the promo for some show on tv piloting tonight — I’m thinking the rule of 4 minutes might apply for tv shows. 🙂

    • kammbia1

      Thanks for your comments, Katharine.

      I’m like you that I jump right into a book. I don’t read the book cover or info stuff as well.

      I just can’t read in bed….I will surely go to sleep rather quickly. I’m surprised that a lot of people can read in bed. LOL!


  3. ioniamartin

    1. I don’t read and watch TV or I can’t concentrate on the book I’m reading.
    2. I read at least one non-fiction book per month
    3. I don’t read laying down no matter where I am at or I will fall asleep:)


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