Rereading Footprints: The Life & Work of Wayne Shorter by Michelle Mercer

About 2 1/2 years ago, I read the biography of my favorite musician, Wayne Shorter, and was captivated by his musical and artistic journey. Though eccentric and understated, Shorter was a musical genius whose impact on American popular music was enormous. Also, his...

Wisdom From Kammbia Story Review 24: A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djeli Clark

P. Djeli Clark has jumped on my list of authors that I must read regularly. He has become a part of that exclusive club, which includes Jonathan Carroll, Charles de Lint, Percival Everett, Guy Gavriel Kay, & Haruki Murakami. I have read multiple works by the...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 162: Widdershins by Charles de Lint

True love, when it is meant to be, will always unite two people, no matter how long the journey. Jilly Coppercorn and Geordie Riddell, two beloved characters from Charles de Lint’s Newford contemporary fantasy series, are the focus of this story. Their story is...

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Escape from your frazzled days.

Enter the world of Kammbia. A world divided. A world of vivid color and fantastical sights and sounds.

A realm where imagination draws you inside. A world where myth and legend intertwine effortlessly with a stark reality that draws strong parallels with our own society of today of imagination and spirituality.

Now, thanks to author Marion Hill—the creative mind behind the Kammbia novels—you too too can immerse yourself in Kammbian life.

Begin your journey into Kammbia below:

Marion Hill