Quote 47

"It's interesting to me that people who want you to be open-minded, only accept that when you agree with their viewpoint. I thought being open-minded allow for a diversity of viewpoints through rigorous discussion or debate. So, I've become leery of those who claim...

Book Review 19: The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken

I wrote a review for Imagine by Steve Turner and said that book along with the Bible and a couple of others that every Christian who loves the arts and literature should have in their library. Well, I'm adding The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken to that...

Quote 46

"All life, high and low, sordid and noble, vile and pure, is the province of art. Surely if the Bible is to be our standard we must admit that nothing lay outside the province of the inspired writers.  A Christian writer cannot be a significant writer if his vision...

Book Review 18: S. by John Updike

What happens when a woman leaves her former life behind in order to seek a spiritual awakening? Well, that's the scenario in the novel S. by John Updike. S stands for Sarah Worth, the main character in the novel.  She is a New England housewife who decides to leave...

Quotes 43

"Reason is a wonderful servant, but a poor master." (Eric Weiner)

Quotes 42

"It's easy to give grace to people you like or friends and family.  But can we extend grace to those we don't like or did something wrong to us, or feel they committed a major sin, or people we don't know. That's the real isn't?"    

Marion Hill