"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body---Jews or Greeks, slaves or free---and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For...
Book Review 19: The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken
by MHill | Mar 6, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Christianity & Art, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog, Nonfiction, Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing
I wrote a review for Imagine by Steve Turner and said that book along with the Bible and a couple of others that every Christian who loves the arts and literature should have in their library. Well, I'm adding The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken to that...
Ultimate Issues Question 1
by MHill | Feb 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
Here's the first life's utlimate issues question: Do you think we value information and knowledge more in our society, than wisdom? If so, why?
Ultimate Issues
by MHill | Feb 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
Well, I've decided to add a new column to my blog today. Do you ever think about the big issues of life? With having busy careers, family time, marriage or relationship time, church life and other things....it seems we don't think about life's biggest issues. However,...
Quotes 43
by MHill | Feb 4, 2012 | Quotes
"Reason is a wonderful servant, but a poor master." (Eric Weiner)
Quotes 42
by MHill | Jan 24, 2012 | Quotes
"It's easy to give grace to people you like or friends and family. But can we extend grace to those we don't like or did something wrong to us, or feel they committed a major sin, or people we don't know. That's the real question..it isn't?"
Book Review 17: The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Philip K. Dick
by MHill | Jan 20, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
Well, I finally decided to read one of Philip K. Dick's novels. Since he's one of the giants of the science-fiction genre and I'm a reader of it, I thought the time was right to check him out. Some of you would have told me to read either Man in the High Castle or...
Quotes 41
by MHill | Jan 18, 2012 | Quotes
"If you are grading your own test, will you pass every time! Be careful of your self-perception because it could deceive you."
Quotes 40
by MHill | Jan 14, 2012 | Quotes
"Expect people in our life do their best, but sometimes their best will not always scratch where you itch." (Pastor Paul Sheppard)
Quotes 39
by MHill | Jan 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
"Sometimes Christians despise humanity and want to get away from everyone in order to serve God, but we don't have to divorce humanity to follow Christ." {Pastor Paul Sheppard}