Ultimate Issues

by | Feb 4, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Well, I’ve decided to add a new column to my blog today.

Do you ever think about the big issues of life? With having busy careers, family time, marriage or relationship time, church life and other things….it seems we don’t think about life’s biggest issues.

However, I believe we should.

For one, it will give us time to think.  Unfortunately, the Nike slogan, “Just Do It”, has so dominated our society that people don’t think through things anymore unless you are a senior citizen or in school.

Secondly, I believe thinking about life’s big issues…rather ultimate issues takes the focus off of yourself and your everyday life and makes you think about what does it all mean.

So I’ve decided to post an ultimate issues question (at least once a week or so) and my hope is to create discussion about life’s biggest questions.

I’m looking forward to your responses.


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Marion Hill