Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 91: Sabrina and Corina by Kali Fajardo-Anstine

I love book cover art.  I was scrolling through my Goodreads page recently and noticed one of my friends add Sabrina & Corina by Kali Fajardo-Anstine to their TBR list.  The beautiful cover got my attention, and I bought book the next day. Sabrina & Corina is...

Icon #13

Buck Wild is on the scene! He is taking names and delivering punishment to anyone that stands in his way in the city of Dakota. However, he is under the spell of Lysistrata Jones and her magical whip.  Buck Wild can not resist her control over him.  As a result, she...

Icon #11

A fourth-grader named Todd Loomis wrote a paper for his class about what he did on his Christmas vacation break. He got to see Icon and Rocket in action as they took down some criminal gun dealers.  The gun dealers were trying flood the city of Dakota with guns and...

Marion Hill