One of the great joys of reading is coming upon a series that you would have never read at first glance. This has happened to me with the Inspector Gamache Series by Louise Penny. I’m a not a big mystery or crime fiction reader. However, I read The Long Way Home two years ago and was immediately taken by the characters and the setting of Three Pines in Quebec.
I had gotten busy with reading and reviewing other books over the past couple of years since I read The Long Way Home. But, I knew that I would come back to the world of Inspector Gamache and Three Pines as soon as possible.
How The Light Gets In is the ninth book in the series and tells the story of a woman from the famous Ouellet quintuplet family. She visited the village of Three Pines to meet with her friend and bookstore owner, Myrna Landers. Constance Ouellet had planned to return to Three Pines for the Christmas holidays, but never made it.
Inspector Gamache begins his investigation into the murder of Constance Ouellet and discovers how strained family ties can be even if you are a famous sibling of five. Also, the inspector learns more about the corruption within his police department, The Surete of the Quebec. Those two factors come together in a surprising and powerful conclusion that will change everything for Gamache and those close to him.
I will admit that the murder plot is not the real draw for me in this series. Penny has a keen understanding of human nature and written well-developed characters of Inspector Gamache, Jean-Guy Beauvoir, his former protege, the profane poet Ruth and her pet duck, Rosa and the artist Clara. Those elements are what has pulled me into the world of Inspector Gamache and created a new fan. I have learned a valuable reading lesson. Great characters and setting in a novel are essential for me as a reader.
I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Even though, I have started out of order. How The Light Gets In is an excellent place to start if you have never read a Gamache novel. I truly believe you will want to read the rest of the series after trying this novel. Highly recommended.