I had a reader prejudice against Stephen King for a long time. I don't know why. Prejudice does that. I have several reasons or rationalizations for my reader prejudice towards King. One of them was because I did not like to read anything scary. However,...
It’s Not Snobbish or Old-Fashioned If You Still Prefer Reading A Book!
by MHill | Mar 5, 2018 | Marion's Reading Life Blog, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I have a confession to make. I still prefer reading a physical book over an eBook or audiobook. Whew...I got it off my chest! It seems these days (in our social media age) that if you only read paperbacks or hardcover books, you are outdated like the 8-Track or...
The Value of a Reading List
by MHill | Jan 30, 2018 | Marion's Reading Life Blog
I was not a fan of a reading list until a few years ago. I will admit with Goodreads coming on the book reading scene has helped in letting me see the need of a reading list. Since 2015, I have kept a reading list, and it has made a better reader. My reading list has...
Do You Re-Read?
by MHill | Jan 6, 2018 | Marion's Reading Life Blog
I have a question. Do you re-read? I will admit that I do not re-read much. The last book I re-read was Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. I did gain a lot of insight re-reading that powerful novel the second time around. I would like to think as a reader that I...
Wisdom From Kammbia 4.7: What 100 Book Reviews Has Taught Me
by MHill | Feb 17, 2017 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
This blog post started out as two Facebook posts a few days ago and I decided that I want to expand on those original posts here. I posted my 100th review last week. My book reviews started out as a blog in 2011. I never thought I would have read and posted 100 book...
Wisdom From Kammbia 4.6: Diversity Reading Challenge
by MHill | Feb 1, 2017 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
As January ends and we head into February, I was issued a reading challenge. For African-American History Month, I must read and review one novel from an African-American Male author and one novel from an African-American Female author. I have chosen for my male...
Quotes 84
by MHill | Oct 24, 2015 | Quotes
"Your To Be Read list is not finite. It will always grow. Just enjoy the things that you want to read and don’t obsess with trying to read everything on that list."
Quotes 83
by MHill | Feb 21, 2015 | Quotes
“I’d like people to enjoy reading them. A readable novel is a gift to humanity. It provides an innocent occupation. Any novel takes people away from their troubles and the television set; it may even stir them to reflect about human life, characters, morals. So I...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.35: The Book by a Popular Author That Surprised You
by MHill | Jul 5, 2014 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I have a question: What is the book by a popular or well-known author that surprised you in a good way? The Bag of Bones by Stephen King is my answer to this question. For years, I had refused to read Stephen King. I don't have a good reason why. I was a bookseller...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.30: The Importance of the Writer-Reader Relationship
by MHill | Aug 26, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing and Publishing Resources
I believe this quote should make writers realize the importance of the writer-reader relationship and that we don't disrespect that connection. "What disrespect we writers have for the people who read our work. Our readers don’t expect perfection every time we publish...