The Value of a Reading List

I was not a fan of a reading list until a few years ago. I will admit with Goodreads coming on the book reading scene has helped in letting me see the need of a reading list. Since 2015, I have kept a reading list, and it has made a better reader. My reading list has...

Do You Re-Read?

I have a question. Do you re-read? I will admit that I do not re-read much. The last book I re-read was Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler.  I did gain a lot of insight re-reading that powerful novel the second time around. I would like to think as a reader that I...

Quotes 84

"Your To Be Read list is not finite. It will always grow.  Just enjoy the things that you want to read and don’t obsess with trying to read everything on that list."

Quotes 83

“I’d like people to enjoy reading them. A readable novel is a gift to humanity. It provides an innocent occupation. Any novel takes people away from their troubles and the television set; it may even stir them to reflect about human life, characters, morals. So I...

Marion Hill