Do You Re-Read?

by | Jan 6, 2018 | Marion's Reading Life Blog | 1 comment

I have a question.

Do you re-read?

I will admit that I do not re-read much. The last book I re-read was Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler.  I did gain a lot of insight re-reading that powerful novel the second time around.

I would like to think as a reader that I would go back and re-read books that have really touched me like Winter’s Tale, Home is the Sailor, David Copperfield, or The Book of Strange New Things.  Alas, I have not.

We have come upon a new year and I have decided to rectify this issue in my reading life.  I have not declared this as a New Year’s Resolution. (Do resolutions really work?)  But, I am going to re-read a couple of books in 2018.

My first re-read is Essentialism by Greg McKeown.  You can read my initial thoughts of the book when I read it in October 2016. Essentialism jumped at me to be re-read to start my reading year and I have gained more insight into philosophy of Essentalism than when I first read it.

Are you a re-reader?  If so, please share what you have re-read?

If not, you will begin (like me) to become a re-reader?

1 Comment

  1. Earl Mitchell

    Interesting topic. I’m af firm believer in re-reading books. I’m especially into series so I’m Always waiting for the next book. As soon as it comes I fly through it. So then I re-read it one or two more times to gain more insight into certain areas I may have overlooked. Plus some scenes from the book have to be read multiple times (it’s just that good) . So great blog and can’t wait for the next read.


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