Does a son have to repeat his father's transgressions and life choices? It seemed like S.A. Cosby was trying to answer that question in his thrilling third novel, Blacktop Wasteland. I have seen this novel posted on my Instagram feed recently and several Goodreads...
Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 24: How The Light Gets In by Louise Penny
by MHill | Sep 20, 2019 | 2019 Book Reviews, Louise Penny Gamache Novels, Marion's Favorite Books, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
One of the great joys of reading is coming upon a series that you would have never read at first glance. This has happened to me with the Inspector Gamache Series by Louise Penny. I'm a not a big mystery or crime fiction reader. However, I read The Long Way Home two...
Wisdom From Kammbia 4.9: My Favorite Reads of 2017
by MHill | Jan 1, 2018 | Marion's Favorite Books, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
Another year has come and gone and I’ve read and reviewed 22 books for 2017. I had a good year reading and looking forward to a better reading year in 2018. Here’s my favorites in 2017: (click on the title to read that book’s review) A Man Called Ove by...
Book Review 121: The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny
by MHill | Nov 24, 2017 | 2017 Book Reviews, Louise Penny Gamache Novels, Marion's Favorite Books
I have become a Louise Penny fan! I wanted to make that statement clear from the opening sentence of this review. The Beautiful Mystery is the third Louise Penny novel I've read in 2017. Starting with The Long Way Home and A Trick of the Light, the Inspector Gamache...
Book Review 107: A Trick of the Light by Louise Penny
by MHill | May 29, 2017 | 2017 Book Reviews, Louise Penny Gamache Novels, Marion's Favorite Books
“It’s exactly that. Lillian Dyson murdered, or tried to murder, many people. Not physically, but just as cruelly. By taking away their dreams. Their creations.” “Her weapon was her reviews,” said Normand. “They weren’t just reviews,” agreed Gamache. “Creative people...
Book Review 106: The Long Way Home by Louise Penny
by MHill | May 7, 2017 | 2017 Book Reviews, Louise Penny Gamache Novels, Marion's Favorite Books
One of the pleasures of doing book reviews is getting to discover a new author and escaping into their fictional world. I have been hearing about mystery novelist Louise Penny on the What I Should Read Next podcast by several readers. Anne Bogel, the host,...

Book Review 55: Consequences by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
by MHill | Aug 2, 2014 | 2014 Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books, Retrieval Artist Series
Miles Flint, a Retrieval Artist, was hired by a prominent couple on the moon colony of Armstrong to find their daughter who has become a Disappeared because of her political activities on several planets. Flint retrieved the daughter and reunited her with the...
Book Review 48: Extremes by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
by MHill | Dec 20, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books, Retrieval Artist Series
What happens when a rogue scientist decides she wants to kill an entire moon city with a virus in order to create her own version of a superhuman race? That question is the basic plot of Extremes by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Extremes is the second novel in the...
Book Review 47: The Disappeared by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
by MHill | Nov 17, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books, Retrieval Artist Series
Has anybody ever read a science fiction mystery? I must admit I love when authors combine genres in their books. Dean Koontz is one of the masters of genre combining and twisting in his works. The Disappeared by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is the first novel I've read...
Book Review 43: The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith AKA JK Rowling
by MHill | Aug 23, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
I had made it a personal policy to not read and review for this blog the hottest or most publicized novel of the year. However, I did almost break my policy last year with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. But, I decided against it. Well, my resistance has finally dropped...