Wisdom From Kammbia 4.5: Imagination

I have always been a believer in the importance of imagination in every aspect of our lives.  Especially when it comes to creativity and the arts.  I have been trying to find the proper definition of imagination and I believe I found it from this passage by Michael...

Quotes 81

"Having success or achieving a goal is just as much (or even more) of a friendship filter than failure or falling short of one's goal. The old adage that failure or tough times reveals who are your real friends is still true. However, I would add that success and...

Quotes 76

There is a common saying that goes like this, "If I knew then what I know now, my life would have been so much easier or better." Well, I believe that cheats of fullness and duration of life. If you learned everything by 29, why get older? Somehow, we have to come to...

Marion Hill