Wisdom of Kammbia 4.2: Why Do I Write?

by | Jun 26, 2016 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing, Writing and Publishing Resources | 0 comments


It has been awhile since I wrote a blog post. However, I was asked recently by a close friend a question. I have thought about their question for several days and decided to write a blog post.  Here’s the question: Why Do I Write? 

Why I Write for 3 reasons:

1) I want the Kammbia novels to have a devoted readership like Patrick O’Brian does with his Aubrey/Maturin novels or Jan Karon’s Mitford novels or Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Retrieval Artist Novels (this is my favorite series) and make a living from these novels. All three of these authors have written long-standing series in the same fictional universe and developed true fans from these books. Also, they have made a living from their writing because of these long running series.

2) To help other indie fiction authors get their first novel published into the world. I want to establish The Red Mango Publishing Grant given out each year for 2 writers a grant of an undisclosed amount to get their novel professionally packaged (editing, book covers, formatting, and book description). I believe that writers who are further along the path should reach back and help other authors who want to bring their art into the world.

3) I’m a storyteller at heart and this is best way to communicate to the world. Reading, writing, and storytelling have fed me more than I have ever imagined and I have to give something back to it in return for what it has given me. I’m forever grateful for being fed in this manner.

I believe each artist has to know why they are creating their art. And as long as you have those reasons for your art, I believe it will keep you going when it seems like nothing is happen, those closest to you don’t understand, or don’t you feel like if you can truly make a living from your art. I appreciate my friend for asking me that question and I will keep this blogpost in mind when I’m asked it again.


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Marion Hill