One of the joys at work I get to do is listen to music and working in an environment where you're processing foreclosure claims on a computer for eight to ten hours a day can be monotonous. However, listening to music provides a much-needed stress reliever from my job...
Book Review 30: Junior by Ray Donley
by MHill | Sep 15, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
"Junior, I did not know if the tape would be helpful, but you can never have enough good information. I did not trust Fairman, in part because I never trust men who marry rich women, particularly if they use their spouse's money to fund their political amibitions....
Book Review 29: Tracks by Louise Erdrich
by MHill | Sep 8, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Duologies
I wrote in my last review, White Butterfly by Walter Mosley, that the next couple of books I reviewed would be from authors I've been wanting to read for a long time. Next up: Tracks by Louise Erdrich For many years, I've been wanting to read Louise Erdrich. I had...
Book Review 28: White Butterfly by Walter Mosley
by MHill | Sep 3, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Easy Rawlins Series/Walter Mosley, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
For the next two reviews, I will be reviewing a couple of novels from authors I've been wanting to read for a really long time. Oddly enough, both authors are completely different on the literary spectrum. I have looked at their books for years and said to myself, "I...
by MHill | Aug 31, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I'm celebrating a birthday today and I wrote this blog post on birthdays two years ago. I thought it should be reposted. Enjoy!
Quotes 71
by MHill | Aug 30, 2012 | Quotes
"Discussion is debate, discussion is the exchange of ideas, discussion is examining and re-examining your viewpoint, and discussion is about ultimately about clarity and not agreement." Discussion is not about I'm always right and you are always wrong. Because no one...
Book Review 27: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
by MHill | Aug 28, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
Does a novel that is highly recommended live up to hype? Well, I will attempt to answer that question in my latest book review of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This novel has been one of the most talked about and most recommended by book clubs in the last few...
Wisdom from Kammbia 3.2: I Like Christian Music, But…..
by MHill | Aug 25, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I overheard a conversation between two co-workers this week. They were talking about one of my favorite subjects, music. One of the co-workers said he got this Christian Music CD from a friend and one of the songs sung the word "Jesus" sixty-seven times. He finished...
Wisdom From Kammbia 3.1: The New Standards of Fiction List
by MHill | Aug 18, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
Last week, I posted a blog post about doing a New Standards of Fiction list. I wanted this list to represent every genre for works published in the last 20 years. I received quite a few responses and thanks to everyone who gave me their recommendations. Here is the...
Book Review 26: Athol Dickson’s The Opposite of Art
by MHill | Aug 11, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Athol Dickson, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books
Athol Dickson is becoming one of my favorite novelists. Last year, I did a review for his Lost Mission novel and I throughly enjoyed it. Now, I'm doing a review for his latest novel, The Opposite of Art. Also, he is the first novelist I've done a second review for on...