Quotes 52

"Be conservative in your outlook and how you will live your life daily; but be liberal in your enjoyment of beauty, entertainment, and the things that will make you live a joyous life. However, many people are liberal in their outlook and how they live their life...

Quotes 51

"Being religious does not mean that you suppress human nature. It does mean that we acknowledge it and not deny it. Then we give it over to the one who can help us control it."

Quotes 50

"I prefer clarity over agreement, and I prefer clarity over change. Because with clarity, I can always get agreement (even if we disagree), and I can accept and embrace change, because I will have the understanding, of why it's happening."

Quotes 49

"Tell the truth to yourself first, before you tell it to anybody else."

Quote 48

"In the history of our church, storytelling came first. Theology, doctrine, and scholarship came later. Ours is an age of electronic parables. Every movie and TV show presents a worldview, a set of beliefs that tell us who we are, where we came from, and how we're...

Quote 47

"It's interesting to me that people who want you to be open-minded, only accept that when you agree with their viewpoint. I thought being open-minded allow for a diversity of viewpoints through rigorous discussion or debate. So, I've become leery of those who claim...

Marion Hill