Wisdom of Marion Vol 1.21

by | Mar 23, 2011 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

Ask God to bless those who persecute you—-yes, ask him to bless, not to curse.

If someone has done you wrong, do not repay him with a wrong. Try to do what everyone considers to be good. Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God’s anger do it. For the scripture says, “I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord.” Instead as the scripture says: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this you will make him burn with shame. Do not let evil defeat you; instead, conquer evil with good.”

(Romans 12:14, 17-21 Today’s English Version)

I believe that forgiveness is the most radical concept (or character trait) in Christianity. Especially, when you have been doing wrong and revenge is the only thing on your mind.

People hurt people. People want to strike back against those who have hurt them.

But the Lord says do not seek revenge and forgive the wrongdoer.  Even though it’s radical, the Lord (as always) is right.

Forgiveness is about you not the other person. As long as you seek revenge, that person will have power over you until you release it from your spirit.

I know as people we want someone who has wronged or offended us to at least apologize for what they did. And if we don’t get that apology then we are thinking of ways to get revenge. But, we can’t go there. God knows how to handle people better than we do. Remember, he created us and thus know how to get our attention.

And you are not forgetting what they did or letting them get away it. But, you are releasing them to God. He wants to change their hearts and restore them for his purpose.

Again, I believe this is the hardest concept for Christians to accept in our walk with Christ.  Especially when everything within our nature and the culture says not to forgive and seek revenge.

I want to write this week’s column for someone who is seeking revenge.  Please give it to God in prayer and don’t let the spirit overtake you into doing something you will regret.


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