Things That Make You Go…Hmmm 3

by | Mar 24, 2011 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

God created Man as a moral being, and now Man turns around and wants to improve God. (Becky Miller)

I saw this quote on another blog site and it has got me to thinking.

Has man really improved God to his liking?

Or will man let God improve him for his purposes?

Just another thing that makes you go…hmmm?


  1. E.J. Apostrophe

    Hi…saw your blog address on Speculative Faith and stopping by…there is NO WAY man can improve on God. He is not broken to begin with. Man is broken.

    • kammbia1


      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

      You are right that man can’t improve on God.

      But, we live in a world where man is definitely trying to. From different religions to secularism… is saying through culture I can improve on God and do it my way. Even though it’s incredibly misguided.


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