Quotes 62

“Fiction and poetry provide authors a unique way to glorify Christ that more overtly intellectual genres, like theology, simply can’t. These genres that aim directly for the heart and soul [...] do not argue for belief, they show what it looks like and make you feel...

Quotes 59

"As Christians, we have to give people the permission to be imperfect, Because we can not demand perfection from others, since we are not perfect ourselves." (Pastor Paul Sheppard)

Music Review 5: Peculiar Image-Vertical Glory

For about ten years, there has been a growing genre of Christian Hip-Hop that has come on the popular music scene.  I must admit I have not listened to a lot of it.  But like any fledging genre, some of it is worth listening to, some of it is not and there are some...

I thought this was an excellent article about Christians needing to understand the culture around us.

Quotes 57

"I’ve found that most people who tell me that fiction is a waste of time are folks who seem to hold to a kind of sola cerebra vision of the Christian life that just doesn’t square with the Bible. The Bible doesn’t simply address man as a cognitive process but as a...

Quotes 55

"If you criticize Christianity, you can get on the New York Times Bestseller list and interviews on NPR & MSNBC. However, if you criticize Islam you will probably have to go into hiding. True freedom of speech means that everything can both be praised or...

Quotes 51

"Being religious does not mean that you suppress human nature. It does mean that we acknowledge it and not deny it. Then we give it over to the one who can help us control it."

Marion Hill