Athol Dickson is becoming one of my favorite novelists. Last year, I did a review for his Lost Mission novel and I throughly enjoyed it. Now, I'm doing a review for his latest novel, The Opposite of Art. Also, he is the first novelist I've done a second review for on...
Wisdom From Kammbia 2.27: The New Standards of Fiction (Must Read Novels Published In The Last 20 Years)
by MHill | Aug 7, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I must admit I love lists. I believe lists are an American phenomenon and they create the three C's: conversation, controversy, and community. Well, I want to create a list of twenty novels published since 1992 that will be considered the new standards for fiction...
Wisdom From Kammbia 2.25: Has Your Book Collection Changed As You’ve Gotten Older?
by MHill | Jul 20, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I'm looking at my bookshelf and I noticed that my collection has changed quite considerably over the years. In my 20's and through my 30's, I had mostly Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels and a huge collection of Dean Koontz books. Now in my 40's, I have books like...
Wisdom From Kammbia 2.24: If You Had To Start Your Library Over Again What Novels Would You Choose?
by MHill | Jul 16, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
Well here in San is summer and the heat wave is no joke. Also, we are in the midst of hurricane season. So far so good on that front. However, I was thinking that what would happened if I lost my entire library? What novels would I choose to start...
Quotes 66
by MHill | Jun 29, 2012 | Quotes, Writing
"The critic is interested in the novel; the novelist is interested in his neighbors. Thus, the writer is interested in knowing the world in order to make real and honest sense of it." (Annie Dillard)
Wisdom From Kammbia 2.19: God Is Not Safe, But We Are Safe In Him
by MHill | Jun 26, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
For today’s blog post, I want to recommend a novel that I read last year titled, Lost Mission by Athol Dickson. One of the characters from the novel was the impetus for this blog post. Delano Wright is a wealthy Southern California landowner and businessman who faced...
Wisdom From Kammbia 2.17: What Is Your Reading Bucket List?
by MHill | Jun 16, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I thought I would have some fun with today's blog post. Bucket Lists. Most people have a bucket list. Things you want to do before you leave the planet. Well, I thought about a reading bucket list. The books you want to read before you gone. Here's my list: 1)...