"Christians have a hard time with nuance, gray areas are not out strong suit." "Discernment is a tricky business, much more complicated than a checklist or matrix of black-and-white criteria. And it begins on the inside, with an awareness that while discernment is a...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.30: The Importance of the Writer-Reader Relationship
by MHill | Aug 26, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing and Publishing Resources
I believe this quote should make writers realize the importance of the writer-reader relationship and that we don't disrespect that connection. "What disrespect we writers have for the people who read our work. Our readers don’t expect perfection every time we publish...
Book Review 43: The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith AKA JK Rowling
by MHill | Aug 23, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
I had made it a personal policy to not read and review for this blog the hottest or most publicized novel of the year. However, I did almost break my policy last year with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. But, I decided against it. Well, my resistance has finally dropped...
Book Review 41: Middle Passage by Charles Johnson
by MHill | Jul 27, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Charles Johnson, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog
Middle Passage is the story of Rutherford Calhoun, a free black man, living in 1830's New Orleans. Rutherford is a thief, hustler, and womanizer who has lived a nomadic, vagabond life and somehow stayed out being sold into slavery. Well, there's a prim and devout...
Book Review 40: Cold Fire by Dean Koontz
by MHill | Jul 18, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books
A little over a decade ago, I went on a Dean Koontz reading binge. I read at least ten or eleven of his novels and I couldn't get enough of them at that time. However, my reading tastes has changed quite a bit over the years and I really didn't have a desire to go...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.28: 25 Things A Dad Should Teach His Son
by MHill | Jul 14, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I just saw this list today and I thought it would be good to share. These twenty-five things are not the final word on what a father should teach his son. If there are others I've missed, please reply and add them to the list. Also, if you as father (like myself)...
Book Review 39: Captives (Safe Lands #1) by Jill Williamson
by MHill | Jun 1, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
What is freedom? That question is the one that kept coming to mind as I read The Captives (Safe Lands Book 1) by Jill Williamson. It is a YA Dystopian novel and not a genre usually read. (However, I did read and review the wonderful Book Thief by Marcus Zusak last...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.27: What Is Friendship?
by MHill | May 22, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.” {Proverbs 17:17 ESV} “Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.” {Proverbs 27:10 ESV} Those two verses of scripture got me to thinking about friendship. What is friendship? Why...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.26: Is Classic Literature Relegated To The Same Fate As Classical Music?
by MHill | May 19, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
My wife and I went to the Symphony this weekend for our date night. We both wanted to try some different than the usual dinner and a movie for our night together. We thought going to the San Antonio Symphony would be just the thing to take a chance on. Well, I must...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.24: Who Is The Best Novelist? (Elite 8 Round Part II)
by MHill | Apr 16, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column
We have reached the Elite 8 in the Sixty-Four Novelist March Madness Style Tournament to determine whom readers believe is the best novelist or the most beloved novelist. The winner of the Stephen King Bracket will face the winner of the Cormac McCarthy Bracket. Here...