My 13 Year Old Daughter Is A Fan of In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins

by | Aug 1, 2022 | Marion's Favorites, Music Reviews, Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

My soon-to-be 13 year old daughter, Norah, made an interesting comment yesterday as we were doing Saturday errands. I was trying to decide on what music to play in the car as we drove around town.

“Daddy, why you don’t you play Phil Collins?” she said.
“Phil Collins,” I replied back in surprise. “What do you know about Phil Collins?”
“Doesn’t he have the song with the drums at the end, Daddy?”

Of course, she was talking about In The Air Tonight and I was able to have brief discussion with her about Phil Collins being a drummer in the band Genesis. That song was from his first solo album, Face Value. Phil played the drums on In The Air Tonight.

Norah actually listened to me go off into my musical nerd tendencies for a few minutes and commented that she liked that song. Also, I have been playing the But Seriously album over past few weeks with her in the car.

I have learned a lesson that kids pay closer attention than you think and good music can cross from one generation to the next. Kids can sometimes surprise you.



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Marion Hill