Happy Birthday Miles Davis!

by | May 27, 2022 | Marion's Favorites, Music Reviews, Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

Today would have been Miles Davis’ 96th birthday.

I’ve been listening to his music over the past couple of days.  Considering the week that we’ve had as a country and on a personal level, Davis’ music has become a balm.

Songs like the classic So What & Freddie Freeloader from the landmark Kind of Blue album (still the best selling jazz album of time). Songs like Iris & Mood from the E.S.P. album.  Or songs like Tutu and Portia from the Tutu album.  Miles’ music catalog is vast and I could go on for awhile about all the songs I have listened too recently.

Miles Davis was one of the greats and his trumpet sound is distinct, unique, & unforgettable for music lovers.  Here is my favorite Miles tune, All Blues from the Kind of Blue album.  This song express a joy that is much needed.  Happy Birthday Miles and Rest In Love!


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