Wisdom From Kammbia Story Review 13: Can You Wear My Eyes by Kalamu ya Salaam

"A man should never know a woman's secret life; men cannot stand so much reality. Their fragile egos can't cope. It's like they say in Zimbabwe: men are children and women are mothers. Being a child is about innocence, about not knowing the realities that adults deal...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 119: Serafina’s Stories by Rudolfo Anaya

"The spirit of story and the spirit of peace are naturally bound together. Storytellers are one of the standard bearers for the creation of peace. I am convinced that story, as an expression of life, constitutes one of the highest forms of value creation." I took...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 118: Writing Into The Dark by Dean Wesley Smith

There are very few articles and books on on how to just type in the first word and head off into the dark writing a novel with no plan, no character sketch, nothing but pure exploration. Smith provides an excellent argument for writing into the dark for fiction...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 117: The Write Attitude by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

“If you as a writer are not willing to take risks, if you’re not willing to fly in the face of conventional wisdom, if you’re not willing to write what you want—screamers be damned—then why are you writing? To please others? There are better ways to do that. Yes,...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 115: Sula by Toni Morrison

“Outlaw women are fascinating---not always for their behavior, but because historically woman are seen as naturally disruptive and their status is an illegal one from birth if it is not under the rule of men. In much literature a woman’s escape from male rule led to...

Marion Hill