Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 162: Widdershins by Charles de Lint

True love, when it is meant to be, will always unite two people, no matter how long the journey. Jilly Coppercorn and Geordie Riddell, two beloved characters from Charles de Lint’s Newford contemporary fantasy series, are the focus of this story. Their story is...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 161: Spirits in the Wires by Charles de Lint

I can’t recall reading any novels that blend contemporary urban fantasy with the internet. I realize the internet, now a mature technology over three decades old, is no longer the cultural novelty it once was, despite our continued immersion in the social media age....

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 160: Killing The Top Ten Sacred Cows Of Indie Publishing by Dean Wesley Smith

In my previous review, I shared that I have unlearned some beliefs about being an author-publisher thanks to Dean Wesley Smith (along with his wife, Kristine Kathryn Rusch) with his blog series shattering sacred cows about the publishing industry. In the...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 159: Killing The Top Ten Sacred Cows Of Publishing by Dean Wesley Smith

In the last ten plus years as an author-publisher, I have learned about the publishing business on that level. Also, I have carried a lot of beliefs that I'm unlearning. Dean Wesley Smith (along with his wife, Kristine Kathryn Rusch) has helped in that unlearning...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 158: Rethinking The Writing Business by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

Think Differently! Those words came to me during my morning prayer time a couple of weeks ago. Prayer is my time for personal reflection and conversation with Christ, sharing my concerns and those of others. Since hearing those words, they’ve been constantly on my...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 157: Tapping The Dream Tree by Charles de Lint

I’ve frequently praised Charles de Lint on this platform; he’s my favorite author, and The Little Country and Memory & Dream rank among my most beloved novels. I’ve discovered yet another reason de Lint is my favorite author. I’ve just completed “Tapping the Dream...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 153: The Faithful Artist by Cameron J. Anderson

On the blurb of The Faithful Artist: A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts, Cameron J. Anderson writes The Tension between Christianity and the arts is often real. But it also offers a false dichotomy. Many Christian artists think they must choose between their...

Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 152: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

“A novel? Goodness, Nurieta…. The novel is dead and buried. A friend of mine who has just arrived from New York was telling me only the other day Americans are inventing something called television, which will be like the cinema, only at home. There’ll be no more need...

Marion Hill