I must admit I did not think my first review for 2014 would be a non-fiction book. Since I tend to read more fiction than non-fiction and all my reviews reflect that truth. Anyway, there is always a book that jumps out at you and asks to be read and reviewed. Why...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.32: Favorite Reads of 2013
by MHill | Jan 5, 2014 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
Another year has come and gone and I've read and reviewed 16 books for the blog in 2013. I had a good year reading and looking forward to a better reading year in 2014. Here’s my favorites in 2013: (click on the title to read that book’s review) 1) Gilead by...
Book Review 49: The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman
by MHill | Jan 4, 2014 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
One of the things, I have tried to do as a book reviewer for this blog is to read fiction outside of my comfort zone. I believe it's important to stretch your reading experience and grow as a reader in the process. It's too easy to only read in the genre you are...
Book Review 46: The Husband by Dean Koontz
by MHill | Oct 19, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
"I would have love to read that book with you, babe." My wife made that comment after a recent conversation about books. I told her I had read Stephen King's Bag of Bones recently and her interest in that book surprised me. She was more of the movie watcher than...
Book Review 45: All God’s Children & Blue Suede Shoes by Ken Myers
by MHill | Oct 6, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Nonfiction
What is pop culture? That's the one question I've always wanted to get a definitive answer to in all of my adult life. Well, I believe I have found a book that attempts to give me that answer. All God's Children & Blue Suede Shoes by Ken Myers explores the...
Book Review 44: Gray Matters by Brett McCracken
by MHill | Sep 13, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books, Nonfiction
"Christians have a hard time with nuance, gray areas are not out strong suit." "Discernment is a tricky business, much more complicated than a checklist or matrix of black-and-white criteria. And it begins on the inside, with an awareness that while discernment is a...
Book Review 43: The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith AKA JK Rowling
by MHill | Aug 23, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
I had made it a personal policy to not read and review for this blog the hottest or most publicized novel of the year. However, I did almost break my policy last year with Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. But, I decided against it. Well, my resistance has finally dropped...
Book Review 42: A Mind To Murder by P.D. James
by MHill | Aug 11, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Adam Dalgliesh Novels, Book Reviews
P.D. James has been given the unofficial title, Queen of Crime, and after reading A Mind to Murder showed why she has earned this moniker. A Mind to Murder began with the murder of Enid Bolam, the administrative head at the Steen Psychiatric Clinic in London. She had...
Book Review 41: Middle Passage by Charles Johnson
by MHill | Jul 27, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Charles Johnson, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog
Middle Passage is the story of Rutherford Calhoun, a free black man, living in 1830's New Orleans. Rutherford is a thief, hustler, and womanizer who has lived a nomadic, vagabond life and somehow stayed out being sold into slavery. Well, there's a prim and devout...
Book Review 40: Cold Fire by Dean Koontz
by MHill | Jul 18, 2013 | 2013 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books
A little over a decade ago, I went on a Dean Koontz reading binge. I read at least ten or eleven of his novels and I couldn't get enough of them at that time. However, my reading tastes has changed quite a bit over the years and I really didn't have a desire to go...