When I heard that Ray Bradbury had passed about eight days ago, I realized that I had never read any of his books. Wow, that surprised me. Well, in honor of his passing, I decided to read his most popular and enduring work, Fahrenheit 451. "Do you know why books such...
Book Review 20: Sidney Sheldon’s Other Side of Midnight
by MHill | Jun 3, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone? What did it feel like? And were you better for going outside of your comfort zone? Well, I did in reading The Other Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon. This 1974 classic best-selling novel was something I would have...
Book Review 19: The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken
by MHill | Mar 6, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Christianity & Art, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog, Nonfiction, Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing
I wrote a review for Imagine by Steve Turner and said that book along with the Bible and a couple of others that every Christian who loves the arts and literature should have in their library. Well, I'm adding The Christian Imagination edited by Leland Ryken to that...
Book Review 18: S. by John Updike
by MHill | Feb 22, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
What happens when a woman leaves her former life behind in order to seek a spiritual awakening? Well, that's the scenario in the novel S. by John Updike. S stands for Sarah Worth, the main character in the novel. She is a New England housewife who decides to leave...
Book Review 17: The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Philip K. Dick
by MHill | Jan 20, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews
Well, I finally decided to read one of Philip K. Dick's novels. Since he's one of the giants of the science-fiction genre and I'm a reader of it, I thought the time was right to check him out. Some of you would have told me to read either Man in the High Castle or...
Book Review 16: Home Is The Sailor by Jorge Amado
by MHill | Dec 27, 2011 | 2011 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books
"Will my readers now, with their learning and their experience, tell me what is the truth, the whole truth? Does truth lie in the everyday events, the daily incidents, in the pettiness and vulgarity most people's lives are compounded of, or does the truth have its...
Book Review 15: The Islar by Mark Saxton (Islandia Quartet Book #2)
by MHill | Nov 9, 2011 | 2011 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Islandia Quartet
Have you ever read a sequel that is better than the original? Well, The Islar by Mark Saxton, I feel is such a book. It is sequel to the underground utopian classic novel, Islandia by Austin Tappan Wright. For those who don't know, Austin Tappan Wright was a...
Book Review 14: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
by MHill | Oct 26, 2011 | 2011 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books
I was asked recently what's my favorite novel. I must admit I didn't have to think long or hard about it. I told this person it was David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Oddly enough, I had to read Dickens in Middle School and absolutely hated it. But as an adult, I...
Book Review 13: Imagine by Steve Turner
by MHill | Oct 7, 2011 | 2011 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Christianity & Art, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog, Nonfiction, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
After the Bible, I will declare that Imagine by Steve Turner has been the third most important book I've read since I became a Christian almost 10 years ago. I will include this book along with Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey and Word Pictures by Brian Godawa as the...
Book Review 12: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
by MHill | Sep 20, 2011 | 2011 Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Nonfiction
"One of the questions that I've been asked over and over since Blink came out is, When should we trust our instincts, and when should we consciously think things through." {pp.267} I wanted to start this review by using a quote from Malcolm Gladwell's interesting and...