Wisdom of Marion Vol 1.23

by | Apr 14, 2011 | Study of Ecclesiastes, Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 4 comments

Ecclesiastes is my favorite book in the Bible.

I recently wrote that sentence on another blog site and one of the bloggers wrote me saying she had never heard that Ecclesiastes would be anyone’s favorite book in the Bible.

From that comment, I realized that Ecclesiastes has been the most misunderstood, overlooked, and underappreciated book in the Bible.

So I have decided to do an Ecclesiastes Bible Study for the next 6 weeks  (Saturdays) on this blog. All you need is your Bible and a notepad to take some notes for your own study.

I will be using the book, A Table in the Mist by Jeffrey Meyers, as my guide for the Ecclesiastes Bible Study.  Mr. Meyers’ book is considered to be one of the best resources on the book of Ecclesiastes.

You will not have to buy the book for this study.  However, if you like this study and decided to go deeper with Ecclesiastes…it is a excellent book to start with.

Here’s the set-up for the Study:

1) 4/23: Interpretation of Wisdom Literature

2) 4/30: Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26

3) 5/7: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

4) 5/14: Ecclesiastes 3:16-5:20

5) 5/21: Ecclesiastes 6:1-8:17

6) 5/28: Ecclesiastes 9-12

I will post each week’s column with a summary of the chapters and have a few questions for the readers to think about (and have some self-study)until the next week’s entry. I hope to receive as many comments as possible and truly have an interactive online Bible Study.

I will finish this column with some things I hope we all learn from this study.

–Ecclesiastes is the book about faith in the Old Testament.

–Wisdom Literature [Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, Psalms, and Song of Songs] needs to be read carefully and in context to God’s overall plan for humanity.

–Real Biblical Wisdom is founded on the honest assessment that life is enigmatic and a lot of times out of our control and we can’t leverage or manipulate God to suit our purposes.

–That God wants us to enjoy life by fearing Him and keeping his Commandments, using the gifts he gave us with joy and gratefulness, to eat, drink, and work for his purposes and love our husbands and wives as well.

I’m really looking forward to these next few weeks and I hope we all draw closer to God and strengthen our Faith from this study.

God Bless!


  1. Derek

    Lookin forward to it!

  2. Kim Hershey-Molina

    Ecclesiastes is my favorite book of the Bible, too! Looking forward to the rest of your posts! Kim

    • kammbia1

      Well Kim….I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks the Book of Ecclesiastes is their favorite book in the Bible.

      I thought I was on the island by myself….LOL!



  1. Habakkuk: An Introduction « Kammbia1's Blog - [...] summer, I did an online Bible Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes(my favorite book) and now I’m going to…

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