Wisdom of Marion 2.6: New Year’s Resolution

by | Jan 3, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

I’ve never been one to make New Year Resolutions…because they never last for the entire year.  So I’d decided to never make a resolution I couldn’t fulfill after January.

However, I heard this today on the radio and I decided to make it my New Year’s Resolution.

“Too many Christians think its between them and Jesus. But we are missing the point. God has always raised up people to come along side his believers.  Jonathan with David, Timothy, Barnabas, and John Mark with Paul, and obviously the disciples with Jesus.

Somehow in modern evangelical Christianity, we believe as long as we got Jesus and nobody else…we will be alright.  But, Jesus didn’t go alone and he would have been the one who could have.

What makes us think we can do Christianity by ourselves and Jesus didn’t.  Hmm….

We must be connected to each other through Church (that means attending it on a regular basis), small groups, and fellowships.

Also, we must quit coming to Church with our Big Bible and a false grin and saying bless you to everyone that smiles at us or “I will pray for you” to our supposed Church friends.  And you are really hurting inside or going through a storm period in your life.

Christianity was never meant to be practiced one on one with our God and nobody else. 

It was meant to be shared to fellow believers that we can lean on through times, strengthen and encourage with their struggles and temptations, and celebrate when God blesses them.

Moreover, it means we must stop being phony with one another as well as with non-believers.  Because people can sense when you are real and authentic…even if they don’t believe in your God.”  {Pastor Paul Sheppard}

That hit me right between the eyes.  I’ve always believed I was an authentic Christian but after hearing that…I realize I still have a ways to go.

So that’s my New Year’s Resolution.  What’s yours?


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