Wisdom From Kammbia 2.27: The New Standards of Fiction (Must Read Novels Published In The Last 20 Years)

by | Aug 7, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 2 comments

I must admit I love lists.  I believe lists are an American phenomenon and they create the three C’s: conversation, controversy, and community.

Well, I want to create a list of twenty novels published since 1992 that will be considered the new standards for fiction lovers like myself.

Also, I will admit I’m a maverick and someone who has gone against the tide quite a bit in my life.  So I want this new standards of fiction list from every genre not just literary fiction like most lists are today.

I do mean every genre: science-fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, literary, romance and even Christian Fiction. As matter of fact I’m nominating the book that is my image for this blog post.  I believe Athol Dickson is one of Christian fiction’s best novelists and deserves a wider audience outside of that genre.

The books with the most responses will be complied onto a final list and posted next week.

(For those readers who do not have a WordPress account, you can email your list to me at

Here’s my list:

1) Lost Mission by Athol Dickson

2) Opposite of Art by Athol Dickson

3) The Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy (a series counts as one book)

4) Bag of Bones by Stephen King

5) The Child Goddess by Louise Marley

6) Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen

7) The Testament by John Grisham

8) Book of the Long Sun Series by Gene Wolfe

9) Trophy Chase Trilogy by George Bryan Polivka

10) The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell

What are your nominees?


  1. Sara Jayne

    I’m a list addict as well 🙂 I’ll have to think about this for a bit, but I do know The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett, the first book in the Discworld series, would by in the top spot on my list. Pratchett is one of the great writing legends!

    • kammbia1

      Thanks for your comment, Sara. I’ve heard good things about Terry Pratchett’s books. I will have to check him out.




  1. Wisdom From Kammbia 3.1: The New Standards of Fiction List « Kammbia1's Blog - [...] week, I posted a blog post about doing a New Standards of Fiction list.  I wanted this list to…

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