Wisdom From Kammbia 2.20: And Your Choice Is……

by | Jun 29, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 3 comments

Last week I posted a contest, where my readers would choose the next novel for me to read and review on this blog.

First, I want to thank everyone who left me their choice.  It is much appreciated. I hope to do more interaction like that in the future.

Well, let’s get on with it.

And Your Choice Is……..

I can see some of your faces right now!  Stephen King!  He doesn’t write romance novels.  Also, didn’t you mention Bag of Bones on last week’s blog post as the book you are currently reading?

However, before you accuse me of being lazy.  I did get votes for this novel and it surprised me that this book was considered Stephen King’s Literary Ghost Love Story.  Go figure…LOL!!

A couple of factors of why I went ahead with this choice:

1) I had not read Stephen King  and I mentioned this in my post, What Is Your Reading Bucket List? This would be a chance to fulfill one of my bucket list items and I will admit that intrigued me.

2) I don’t normally read Horror and it would take me out of my comfort zone the same way as if I had read a traditional romance novel.    Also the people that chose this novel wrote it was a love story as well.  That sealed it for me.

So there you have it.  I’m halfway into Bag of Bones and I will have a review next week.

See you then!


  1. Daniel

    Not his best, but not a bad book. I’d give it 3 of 5 stars. Interested to see what you think.

    • kammbia1

      Thanks for your comment, Daniel. I have about a third of the novel left. It is different than I expected it. I should have my review by middle of the week.


    • kammbia1


      It is surprisingly more literary than I expected in a Stephen King novel. Outside of the ghost story element, it feels like I’m reading a novel by John Irving or Richard Ford than Stephen King…LOL! I was expecting to be scared more than I have.




  1. Book Review 22: Stephen King’s Bag of Bones « Kammbia1's Blog - [...] you know, Stephen King was on my reading bucket list and Bag of Bones was the choice of my…

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