Wisdom From Kammbia 2.22: Happy 4th of July!

by | Jul 4, 2012 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

Happy 4th of July and I feel blessed and honored to be an American.  Today’s holiday should be an acknowledgment and recognition of the values this country has believed in and tried to live up to.

It is always easy to point fingers at each other and believe our way or ideology can solve our many problems.  But, today is not a day for that.  Tomorrow will be here for that.

Also, I hope we recognize the freedom and liberty we still have and must hold on to it as long as possible.  So while we are eating our hot dogs or watching hot dog eating contests or looking at fireworks…we should take time to be thankful for its attempt to bring humanity together in this unique experiment called America.

God Bless and enjoy the holiday!


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