Quotes 81

"Having success or achieving a goal is just as much (or even more) of a friendship filter than failure or falling short of one's goal. The old adage that failure or tough times reveals who are your real friends is still true. However, I would add that success and...

Book Review 52: Numb by John W. Otte

Book Review 52: Numb by John W. Otte

What if you are numb to pain and feelings for a good portion of your life?  And all of sudden you begin to feel again and are not numb anymore? Those two questions were answered in Numb by John W. Otte. Numb is the story of Crusader, an assassin trained by the...

Introduction to the Book of Titus

A few years ago, I decided that I would I do online bible studies for the lesser known books of the Bible. It seems even amongst Christians, we have our favorite books of the Bible.  From the Gospels to Paul's most popular letters (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1...

Marion Hill