Marion’s Favorites: Brother Sister by The Brand New Heavies

by | Dec 13, 2020 | Marion's Favorites, Music Reviews, Wisdom From Kammbia Column | 0 comments

As a music lover, I enjoy a variety of musical genres from old school R&B and Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Afro-Cuban Music.  However, I was asked recently what is my favorite musical genre.  I told the person it is Acid Jazz. They immediately asked me what is Acid Jazz?

Acid Jazz is a musical genre that combines elements of 50’s and 60’s cool jazz with 70’s soul, funk, and disco. Acid Jazz originated in the London nightclubs from the mid 1980s that empathizes the groove. Acid Jazz had a devoted but small following here in America but it really took off in Japan, Eastern Europe, and Brazil.

My favorite musical group, Incognito is considered a leader in Acid Jazz.  Those who know me well know how much I have talked and posted about Incognito over the years.  However, a group that I love almost as much as Incognito is The Brand New Heavies.

Brother Sister is my favorite The Brand New Heavies album.  The group which consists of three Britons (Simon Bartholomew, Jan Kincaid, & Andrew Levy) and American N’Dea Davenport really hit their stride with their second album (Kincaid is no longer in the band). The fourteen track album opens with a great party song, Have a Good Time and with a hopeful song about the future, Day Break.  Sometimes you want to listen to music that puts a smile on your face from beginning to end.  Brother Sister does the job quite well.

My favorite songs are the title track, Brother Sister, Dream on Dreamer (One of my daughter Norah’s favorite songs.  We’ve sung this one together a lot in my car), Mind Trips, People Giving Love (this song needs to be played everywhere now and become the unofficial anthem of 2020), and Forever which is an excellent acid jazz version of a slow jam.

This year has been a tough on a lot of levels.  If you are looking for something that will give you a good vibe and take your mind off a difficult year, then I recommend Brother Sister.  This 1994 album still holds up well and shows the best of my favorite genre in its heyday.


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Marion Hill