Quotes 24

"Regrettably, we tend to read the Scriptures as though their rejection of a 'worldly' lifestyle entails a recommendation of an 'otherworldly' one." (Gary Demar)

Quotes 22

"It is interesting that a lot of people are so willing to trust the government for everything, but will not trust in God for anything. However, their belief in the government is just as fervent as a religious person who believes in God. The question becomes....Do you...

Quotes 21

"People do not live well by illusions. Rather, they will fill the vacuum of their hearts with something.....anything...if need be." (Blaise Pascal)

Quotes 20

"God wants the church to be the church and that even the world wants the church to be the church.  It is the church that doesn't want to be the church. That's the core problem." (Warren Cole Smith from his book, "A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church")

Quotes 19

The Four H's of Human Behavior: We Hurl We Hurt We Hoard We want to be Hip

Quotes 18

"From the beginning, God declares the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart." (Max Lucado)

Quotes 16

"Put second things first, and we lose both first and second things. However when put first things first, we get second things as well." (C.S, Lewis)  

Quotes 14

"We think we have to own more stuff in order to be perceived better by people." (Max Lucado)