Quotes 13

"Your perception of yourself is defined by the way other people treat you." (Max Lucado)  

Quotes 12

If money can't buy you love, why do we pursue it so fervently and reverently? (Marion Hill)

Quotes 11

If honesty is the best policy, Why is it easier to lie, then tell the truth? (Marion Hill)

Quotes 10

Does ready for love means how I'm feeling or what I'm ready to give and reveal. (Marion Hill)

Quotes 9

Christ doesn't complicate life, It's the lack of Christ that complicates life. (Max Lucado)

Quotes 8

God is love and that's true. His love is tough as well as tender. His love is one of discipline as well as one of mercy and grace. His love is about us trusting him as well as holding our hand. His love is about sacrifice as well as giving a blessing. Somehow we have...

Quotes 6

There is something in your past that reveals your future. (Max Lucado)

Quotes 5

When you hear a sermon you will forget it, When you see a sermon you will always remember it. (Max Lucado)

Quotes 4

"Fiction can sometimes speak to the sin of our world better than any sermon or Bible study or book that can make you a better Christian in 10 steps." (Marion Hill)