Book Review 32: Daughter of Light by Morgan L. Busse

by | Nov 3, 2012 | 2012 Book Reviews, Book Reviews | 7 comments

Every so often, you will get a book that takes awhile for you read for no apparent reason. Work schedule gets a little longer, family obligations eats up more of your time, and distractions from like getting sick or car problems will keep you from giving your full attention to reading.  However, once you’re able to get some reading time, the story takes you away from what life has thrown at you.

Daughter of Light became that book for me.

It’s a debut novel from Morgan L. Busse and the story revolves around Rowen, a young woman who got banished from her village because she was accused of being a witch. Even though she was devastated by her banishment, Rowen gets an opportunity to become a varor (bodyguard) for Lady Astrea, daughter of King Gaynor of White City.

Rowen’s journey from banishment to discovering her purpose and coming to grips with her gift has been told before in many fantasy novels. However, Busse adds her own style to this theme and creates a fully fleshed out fantasy world in Daughter of Light that made a familiar trip truly enjoyable to read.

Moreover, the story is infused with a Christian worldview, with acknowledgement to The Word as an ancient source of power, inspiration and faith for some of its citizens. It is definitely a reference to biblical scripture but Busse weaves it into her narrative pretty well without being preachy or overbearing.

I did think the rhythm of the novel was at a different speed than I’m used to from this genre. There were a lot of short sentences in the narrative where I was expecting longer flowing sentences and more expository passages. However, the characters were fully developed and made up for whatever lack of rhythm that the novel had.

Daughter of Light is an excellent addition to the fledging genre of Christian Speculative Fiction and should be recommended for all readers of fantasy literature.


  1. jshaughnessy81680

    I really liked your review. You apparently gave this book a lot of thought. Even though fantasy isn’t normally the genre I read, this sounds really good. I write historical novels. I’m a goodreads author! Joyce Shaughnessy

    • kammbia1


      Thanks for your comments. I really do try to be thoughtful and fair with my book reviews. Daughter of Light was enjoyable to read and I wanted someone who had not read any fantasy to get a sense of what a good story from this genre could be …without giving it away. LOL!!

      Also its good to know that you are a Goodreads author. I’m on that site quite a bit and I will look for your work next time I’m there.


  2. Steve Servello

    Great review Marion. Sounds like an intriguing first novel.

    You mention that the Word is incorporated into the story as “an ancient source of power.” I’m wondering if the counterpart to the Word is brought into play as well? Whether it be the Void, Satan, Lucifer, etc.

    Steve Servello

  3. Lisa G

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have this book on my to-read list. I love spec-fic (as I think you know). Glad to have a kindred spirit. Blessings!

    • kammbia1

      Same to you, Lisa! Thanks for stopping by. It is good to have a kindred spirit out there. Totally agree!


  4. Ancient Explorer

    Just finished the second book in the series and think we have a great new fantasy writer. Fans of Terry Brooks will especially enjoy these.

    • kammbia1

      I just bought the 2nd book in the series and will post a review after I read it. Looking forward to it.



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Marion Hill