Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 7: Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb

by | Mar 23, 2019 | 2019 Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books | 0 comments

Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb is a novel I have seen for years at bookstores. I always thought it was a typical epic fantasy novel for some time and never picked it up.  Until now.

What changed?  I was looking on Instagram a few weeks ago and came across Robin Hobb’s page. I read the comments on a post featuring the novel.  The fan response to Assassin’s Apprentice blew me way, and I got curious about the book.  Hobb’s fans loved the character of Fitz and I had to find out for myself why.

Fitz is a bastard son of a nobleman in the world of Six Duchies. The royalty has treated him as an outcast except King Shrewd and a stableman, Burrich. King Shrewd has been getting Fitz tutored in the arts of an assassin.  Also, Fitz has a special magic called the Skill that runs through him.

The kingdom is under invasion by raiders and Fitz must grow up quickly to serve King Shrewd.  Fitz goes on his first mission as an assassin and learns the politics around the throne can be just as dangerous as facing the enemy.

Hobb creates a compelling character in Fitz and her first-person narrative pulled me into the novel.  Fitz reveals a sensitivity and devotion to his duty that felt real and complex at the same time. Assassin Apprentice is a page-turning, well-written opening novel to The Farseer Trilogy. I can see why Hobb has such a devoted readership. Recommended.


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