Things That Make You Go Hmmm…8

by | Oct 29, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Found this interesting and it is something that makes me go hmmm…

“A man with a need for an attractive spouse feels good whenever he looks at his attractive wife. In fact, that’s what emotional needs are all about. When one of his emotional needs is met he feels fulfilled, and when it’s not met he feels frustrated. It may sound immature or superficial, but I’ve found that most men have a need for an attractive wife. They do not appreciate a woman for her inner qualities alone. They also appreciate the way she looks.

I remember an overweight, balding man who was twenty years older than his extremely pretty wife. Nonetheless, she was crazy about him and they shared a very active sex life. Why? What did she see in him? That’s just the point. Instead of looking at him, she looked within him and found a warm and sensitive man, kind and generous, who loved her deeply as she loved him. To her he was “rather nice looking.”

Was she more mature than her husband, who was admittedly attracted by her appearance? No! She simply had different emotional needs. For her, physical attractiveness did not do as much for her as it did for him. She put effort into making herself look good because she knew it would make him happy. In return, he put effort into meeting her needs for affection, conversation, and financial support.”  (His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley Jr.)

Those paragraphs described one of the biggest differences between men and women and unfortunately one of the most misunderstood.  But for women who truly understand this need in their men have realized a big difference in their relationship or marriage.


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Marion Hill