I found out one year ago this week that Furman University Librarian and Podcaster Jenny Colvin passed away at age 43. I wrote a post last year when it happened. It was a complete shock because we had corresponded a week before she passed away about recording my...
Marion’s Favorites: Reading Envy Podcast (Rest In Love Jenny Colvin)
by MHill | May 25, 2022 | Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog, Reading Envy/Jenny Colvin, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
When it comes, it comes. I found out earlier today about the passing of librarian and podcaster Jenny Colvin. She passed away last week at 43. Jenny was the host of the popular Reading Envy Podcast. She was a librarian at Furman University in South Carolina. Jenny had...
Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 80: Planting Stories (The Life of Librarian & Storyteller Pura Belpre) by Anika Aldamuy Denise & Paola Escobar
by MHill | May 23, 2021 | 2021 Book Reviews, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
The joy I get in reading with my daughter Norah is you learn about someone that you have never heard of before. This is the case with the book, Planting Stories: The Life of Librarian and Storyteller Pura Belpre by Anika Aldamuy Denise and Paola Escobar. Pura Belpre...
Reading Envy Podcast 203
by MHill | Oct 21, 2020 | Marion's Favorites, Reading Envy/Jenny Colvin, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
Reading Envy Podcast with Jenny Colvin is one of my favorite book podcasts I listened to on a regular basis. Jenny is a book lover and talks with a variety guests about the latest books they have read. Episode 203 got released today and it was my second time on the...