Last year, I read an outstanding short story collection titled Sabrina & Corina by Kali Fajardo-Anstine. I had never heard of the author before, but I was looking for some short stories to read and her collection kept coming up. I took a chance, and it was the...
Wisdom From Kammbia Book Review 91: Sabrina and Corina by Kali Fajardo-Anstine
by MHill | Oct 22, 2021 | 2021 Book Reviews, Hispanic Heritage Month, Marion's Favorite Books, Marion's Favorites, Marion's Reading Life Blog, Wisdom From Kammbia Column
I love book cover art. I was scrolling through my Goodreads page recently and noticed one of my friends add Sabrina & Corina by Kali Fajardo-Anstine to their TBR list. The beautiful cover got my attention, and I bought book the next day. Sabrina & Corina is...