Rocket learns a valuable lesson with the responsibility she has as a superhero and being Icon’s partner.

She asks Icon to attend a community event, but he cannot attend because his day job as a lawyer demands his attention.  Rocket is frustrated with his duties as a lawyer and they have an argument when Icon suggests she has a conversation with her mother about the pregnancy.  Meanwhile, there is a small-time gangster who notices Rocket’s belt as a power source and the thing he needs to become the baddest criminal in the city of Dakota.  The gangster meets up with Rocket to steal her belt and uses its power to wreak havoc.

Icon finds out the criminal’s path of destruction on television, and he goes to confront him. A battle ensues and the superhero takes care of business.  Icon admonishes Rocket for her careless behavior in a father-to-daughter like conversation. Rocket realizes the error of her ways and is determined to be more responsible.

On the surface, this would seem to be a simple story of a small-time criminal wanting to have power.  But the story reveals the irresponsibility and abuses that having power can bring.  Onto Issue 15.



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Marion Hill