The Indie Publishing movement of the past half-dozen years has changed the course of the publishing industry. Publishing books have become a lot easier thanks to eBooks, Amazon, and other Print-on-Demand (POD) publishers. Would-be-novelists (like myself) that have...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.30: The Importance of the Writer-Reader Relationship
by MHill | Aug 26, 2013 | Wisdom From Kammbia Column, Writing and Publishing Resources
I believe this quote should make writers realize the importance of the writer-reader relationship and that we don't disrespect that connection. "What disrespect we writers have for the people who read our work. Our readers don’t expect perfection every time we publish...
Wisdom of Kammbia 3.29: How Do I Write A Novel?
by MHill | Aug 18, 2013 | Writing and Publishing Resources
This is the best writing advice I've ever read how to write a novel: "So how do you write a novel? Simply do the best you can every day during the writing, finish the book, fix the mistakes a trusted first reader finds, and mail the thing or publish the thing...