Book Review 63: At Death’s Door by Astrid V. Tallaksen

by | Apr 18, 2015 | 2015 Book Reviews, Indie Spotlight Reviews | 0 comments


One of the best things about being a book review blogger is that you get a chance to read novels outside of your comfort zone.  It is easy to read books by authors you love all the time and not make room for anything new or different.  However, one of my personal mantras in reading (as well as listening to music) is to always try a new genre or read something outside of my normal tastes.

Well, At Death’s Door by Astrid Tallaksen has fit into my mantra quite nicely.  I must admit I have not read much Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance that I can recall.  However, a good story is a good story regardless of the genre where it resides.

At Death’s Door is the first book in the Freefall series and this opening book centers around Sara Stone, a woman who is locked up in a mental hospital because she is talking to spirits in an unhealthy way and a mysterious rescuer named Daniel who knows Sara’s real identity.

Come to find out (this maybe something of a spoiler), that Sara has lost her memory and Daniel is there to help her regain it.  Actually, Sara is the Angel of Death and caught between a holy war between the Angels and Demons from Heaven and Hell for control of the world.  I don’t want to give away anymore than that.

Tallaksen does an excellent job with character development between Sara and Daniel.  Their chemistry is what propels the story forward.  However, I did think the chapters went a little long and I would like to have seen a little more action between the angels and demons who are trying to recruit Sara to their side of the battle.

I do understand that this is the first book in the series and I believe there will be more development with the angels and demons in the subsequent books.  At Death’s Door by Astrid Tallaksen is a solid, debut novel and fans of the urban fantasy/paranormal romance genres should definitely give it a try.


Marion Hill