Join Us In France Podcast: Four Days In Strasbourg

by | Apr 10, 2023 | MH Travel, Nonfiction | 0 comments

My girlfriend, Brenda and I, spent eight days last September in two French cities, Strasbourg and Paris. We had a wonderful time and are looking forward to returning to both cities in the near future. As a result, we were invited to share our experiences on the Join Us In France Podcast hosted by Annie Sargent.

I had been a listener of that podcast for some time and I reached out to Annie about our trip.  Annie was delighted about us going to Strasbourg (not many of her previous guests had visited that city) and wanted to learn why we decided to travel there first and not Paris.  LOL!!!

I shared my reason why I wanted to go to Strasbourg along with the best dining experience I’ve ever had in life at the Au P’Tit Curieux Restaurant in the 10th Arrondissment in Paris.  I highly recommend that restaurant on your itinerary when you are visiting Paris.

Our portion of the podcast is nearly 30 minutes and I hope more people get a chance to visit Strasbourg. I know that most people want to go to Paris.  Strasbourg is only 2 hour train drive from Paris and if you have at two extra days on your vacation, it is definitely worth visiting.

Four Days in Strasbourg


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